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5 Tips for Becoming More Mindful

How to become more mindful in everyday life




The practice of mindfulness has become very popular in the recent years thanks to its many benefits. From reducing stress levels to improving sleep quality and relationships, mindfulness has a positive impact on almost all aspects of an individual’s life.


Here are a few tips on how to incorporate the practice of mindfulness into your daily life.


Tip One: Mindfulness in Routine Activities


You don’t have to go to a retreat and spend a month there to become more mindful, you can practice it every day as you go about your daily activities. A simple way to do this could be to pay attention to your hands and legs when you do your chores, say when you are doing your dishes. How do your arms move? What does it feel like when you touch different textures? Bring your attention to the warmth and slipperiness of the soapy water. If you have a garden, when you water the plants, pay attention to how the water droplets drench the leaves and the soil, take each step deliberately and mindfully, savoring the sensations of being out in your garden.


Tip Two: Don’t Panic When Negative Thoughts Rise in Your Mind


When you get into the practice of mindfulness, you may become more aware of when the mind brings up negative thoughts. Don’t worry about this, because it is normal. Mindfulness does not mean that your mind is going to be completely free of all negative thoughts. When you see negative thoughts arising in your mind, bring your awareness to them, and let them go instead of ruminating.


A study published in The Journal of Science and Healing found that mindfulness training reduces rumination and symptoms of depression. The deliberate practice of just being aware of a negative thought and gently letting go defuses its ability to pull you down into a spiral of negativity and despair.


Tip Three: Get More Sleep


You cannot be mindfully present in the moment if you are exhausted all the time. Get minimum eight hours of sleep every day. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, create some nighttime rituals that can help. Half an hour before going to bed, sip on a cup of warm chamomile tea which has been found to be helpful in inducing sleep. Remove all electronic gadgets and blue lights from the bedroom and make the room dark enough for uninterrupted deep sleep.


When you get more sleep, your body and mind will be more acquiescent to being present. Mindfulness in turn improves your ability to fall asleep, according to a study in JAMA Internal Medicine. This positive feedback loop settles your mind and body into a healthy, happy, and comfortable state.


Tip Four: Go for a Nature Walk


Step out and go for a short walk. Soak in the sun and the sights and sounds of natures. One of the best ways to ensure that you are centered and fully present in the moment is to be out in the nature, and bringing your attention to all the beautiful colors and sounds around you.


Tip Five: Minimize Distractions and Dedicate Time for Practice


Put your smartphone on airplane mode for 15 minutes a day. Dedicate this time to practicing mindfulness. You can set a timer for 15 minutes and choose a quiet comfortable spot to sit. Sit still, and simply observe your thoughts, your body, and your surroundings. Just stay in the moment. When you find your attention wandering, don’t get impatient with yourself, just gently bring your mind back to the present moment. This exercise is an excellent way to integrate mindfulness into your daily life.


Mindfulness is an amazingly transformational practice. As you start to integrate mindfulness into your daily life, you will find that you feel less stressed. Your happiness and productivity will also improve as you get used to being present in the moment.


Author Bio: Brett Farmiloe is a contributing writer for, a website that offers extensive resources surrounding counseling degrees, mental health education and related professions. He also enjoys tending his backyard vegetable patch and taking care of a few friendly chickens.


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