Staying Sober During the New Year
Staying sober during the new year can be hard, especially for those in early recovery, but it is very important. Here are some tips.
Staying sober during the new year can be hard, especially for those in early recovery, but it is very important. Here are some tips.
Join us for Front Yard BBQ: “Create! Don’t Use!” on September 9, 2023 from 12pm-5pm at New Directions. This fun, family-friendly fundraising event is organized in participation of National Recovery Month and will be held outdoors at New Directions located at 30800 Chagrin Blvd, Cleveland, OH. We are grateful for our neighborhood friends and supporters at Garfield […]
For more information, contact: James Wyman, Chief Development Officer, 216-360-4445 New Directions announces its annual fundraiser in participation with National Recovery Month Cleveland, OH—New Directions is pleased to announce its annual fundraiser Front Yard BBQ, Saturday, September 17, 2022, 12:00-4:00pm. This fun, family-friendly event is organized in participation of National Recovery Month and will be held […]
As we continue to adjust to life post-COVID, everyone is finding our own ways to cope in a rapidly changing world. Unfortunately, not every coping mechanism is good for us, and many are even detrimental to our health. One such coping mechanism is both dangerous as well as indicative of a troubling trend among women: […]
On the Road Event: New Directions’ Ride & Drive Transformation Tour We are pleased to announce our annual fundraising event scheduled for July 31, 2021! This year, we continue our celebration of our 40th Anniversary—a singular legacy of saving and transforming lives—as we look to the next 40 years with On the Road: New Directions’ […]
Staying sober is one of the toughest battles anyone can fight. Recovering from addiction requires constant vigilance and unwavering commitment. However, that level of effort isn’t always easy to maintain day in and day out. That’s why relapse is such a threat. Rather than some dramatic fall, relapse is far too often an insidious decline. […]
In our society, alcohol dependency falls into a grey area of addiction for a lot of people. It isn’t an immediate addiction like cigarettes or harder drugs, and it progresses and builds over a long period of time, making it hard to see in oneself because the change is so gradual. It’s often difficult to […]
The opioid crisis has been at the forefront of the American consciousness for almost a decade now. Yet, some communities are only now realizing just how hard they have been hit. Unfortunately, there’s a culture of silence around opioid use that has not only led to hushed discussions, when they do exist but also provides […]
While in early recovery, it is common to feel stressed or anxious about a number of factors in your life. However, if an individual is not equipped with stress-management techniques they will begin to feel overwhelmed. Individuals in early recovery may be acclimated with numbing their feelings through the use of substances. Because of this, […]
Our minds are powerful things, I would argue they are the most powerful thing we will ever have to face in our lives. They are going non-stop. I want you to sit back for a second and reflect on what you have thought about for even just the past 15 minutes. Pretty incredible, right? […]